Collection Perfection

Craft your perfect collection, one page at a time with Collection Perfection.

Collection Perfection provides on-site collection development services that transform your library in days! Our team of certified librarians works with you and your collection to assist with weeding, genrefying, reclassification of Dewey and more. Increase browsability and discoverability with our proven processes and certified team members! 

Transform Your Collection

Onsite Services Performed by Certified Librarianss




reclassification of dewey

dynamic shelving

barcoding & labeling

reorganizing library sPaces

splitting collections

weed & feed


Our certified team employs a consultative analysis and CREW methods for efficient weeding services. We evaluate books based on relevance, usage statistics, and condition, and weed an average of 2,500 books per day. We also accommodate any specific lists or preferences provided to optimize the collection and align it with the collection development goals.

Reclassification & Genrefying

Our reclassification services transform your non-fiction collection to create ease of access for your students and teachers! Customized color-coded categories make it easy to find titles within your non-fiction section. Our reclassification and genre services are performed on-site by certified librarians!

Dynamic Shelving - Splitting Collections - Rebarcoding

Have a special project that needs extra hands? Collection Perfection can provide an onsite team to assist with dynamic shelving, splitting K-12 collections, rebarcoding books, and other collection development projects!


Who Performs Onsite Services?

4-6 Certified Librarians are onsite to perform any weeding, reclassification or genrefication services.

What Methods do you use to Weed?

CREW methods of weeding are used by certified librarians along with a 3 point check on each title.

How Much Can You Get Done in One Day?

On average, our team can weed up to 1,200 titles per day & reclassify 1,500 books per day!

How Much Does This Cost?

Our services range in cost depending on the scope and size of your project. 2-4 days is the average time invested in services.

Where Can I Find Funding?

Customers have found funding from education foundation grants, ESSER Funds, PTO/PTA and Other Grant Sources!

Ready To Curate Your Collection?

Request more information.